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1er Encontro de Nutrição e Fruticultura

1er Encontro de Nutrição e Fruticultura

The 1st Encontro de Nutrição e Fruticultura was held in Caldas da Rainha (Portugal) on 1st March, organised by our distributor in the country, Nutrispecial.

The Nutrispecial engineer, Emidio Silva, gave training sessions on the use of our products to technicians and farmers. For our part, we gave several talks to update the attendees on the latest knowledge about abiotic stress in crops and the mode of action of our biostimulants.

It has been a very successful event, with a strong involvement and a very active participation of the attendees, which triggered exchanges of ideas and very active debates.

We hope it will be the first meeting of many, thank you all for your involvement!

on 12-03-2024
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