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Prominol Ca


Declared content (%w/w):

14% Water-soluble Calcium Oxide (CaO)
Incorporates biostimulant components of plant origin

Pictures in Prominol Ca

PROMINOL Ca is recommended to prevent and correct calcium deficiencies. It contains organic components of vegetable origin that favor the assimilation of this element by the crop, and also stimulate natural mechanisms of plants for tolerance to environmental stress.

- Horticultural and fruit trees: Make a first application at the beginning of fruit development and 3 more separated applications of 7 to 10 days at a rate of 2-4 l / ha (fertigation) or 150-300 ml / hl (foliar) or 2 -5 l / ha (aspersion) or 2-6 l / ha (surface irrigation).
- Citrus: Make a first application at the beginning of the development of fruits and 3 applications more separated from 7 to 10 days at a rate of 3-5 l / ha (fertirrigation) or 250-350 ml / hl (foliar) or 3-6 l / ha (spray) or 3-7 l / ha (surface irrigation).
Note: These recommendations are general and indicative, and must be adapted by a qualified technician based on agronomic and edaphoclimatic factors.
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